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Thank you

posted by Unknown

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Thank you SAKINAH for making this video for me.

Untuk dikongsi juga bersama sahabat lain.

Moga isinya sampai ke hati, liriknya menusuk ke jiwa=)

And this one is for you ukhti~

Juga ditujukan buat yang lain.


Thank you for simply being there

On a cloudy day, on a sunny day

Thank you for sharing your joice and pain with me

For showing me that i'm so special

That my contribution count to our friendship

I have grown as a person

And i hope you have too

Thank you...Thank you..

Thank you..

Just for you

Thank you for simply being my friend

For the special memories

We shared together now

For the neverending support you always give me

Oh friend...oh...

I will always love you

I can't tell how much that you meant to me

I pray for our everlasting friendship

Never ever say goodbye to yesterday

Cause yesterday was so special and wonderful

And i hope tomorrow will be better

Thank you for everything

Thank you...Thank you..

Thank you..

Just for you

Thank you